Use Appium Java Client libraries?

Hi Guys,

Appium Version
Java Client Libraries - java-client-2.1.0
selenium -2.44

Whether We need to specify app path in desiredcapabilities?.

In Client Libraries, AppiumDriver have methods like launchApp, closeApp take value from application specified in DesiredCapabilities.

then what is purpose of having method like installApp in AppiumDriver?

What are mandatory value should be given desiredcapabilities?

I have specified deviceName in Appium Server GUI. So I thought i dont need to specify that in DesiredCapabilities But My assumption is wrong . I got error in appium console that deviceName mandatory need to specifiy. Then What is purpose having Appium GUI Console capabilities option ?

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Undoubtedly yes! it is mandatory for installation and launching your app.

As far as I know in python-client it helps you to install any other app (distinct from what your are passing to desired_caps) directly on the device by app_path arg

It depends on what you need. E.g. in order to start Appium Server you just need to pass the “platformName”, “automationName” and “platformVersion”, but if you wanna to test an app on the emulator or a physical device you should provide the “appPath” and “deviceName”.

This is completely different things. Increasingly, Appium GUI is used to inspect your app and build UI hierarchy or additional config. If you work using language-specific client, you can pass Desired_Caps only once, when instantiating WebDriver (AppiumDriver) object and that is the moment when a new session with Appium Server to be opened. If you wanna to provide new bunch of Desired_Caps you need to create a new session with the server.