Using Appium - Unable to access date picker on mobile web app on android platform

I have created test script for mobile web application using appium.

The issues are given below

I’m not able to get date picker id’s in DOM windows [Android default date picker populated in my web app which is available in setting menu of android mobile]
So how can i access date picker on mobile web application.

2.I tried copied DATE without opened date picker via java script. Date has displayed successfully but if i tried to navigating next screen, error has been displayed as pl entered DATE.

Please find the below code which i have taken DOM windows for text box ids[Date value should be stored in text box]

enter code here
Please find the below which I have written java script to paste the DATE in text box, without opened date picker

enter code here( (JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript (“var dob = document.getElementsByName(‘firstMovedInDetails’)[0];dob.value=‘2010-01-06’;”);
The mobile web application developed by anjularjs. Kindly let me know whether how can I access date picker or navigating on next page with date value.