Visible Element is not Recognized by Appium for IOS

I have taken XPATH for visible element on IOS.
After automating the test case I am unable to get the Text of visible Element and i am getting error.
I am not scolling down.
I have given Thread.sleep() method for 10 Seconds after opening the page.

What exact error are you seeing on test failure ?

I also struggled with getting text from IOS UI. Usually it was because the accessibility ids were incorrectly added to the UI inisially. After the devs fixed the way they added accessibility, Appium could detect the iOS UI elements and I could extract the texts.

ok. Thnx
so i have to tell dev team .

I am stuck at one issue.
I click on one button and then new screen open.
i am verifying one element and using appium i am getting its name as “Close”.
using uiautomatoreviewer testCase.getMobileDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//UIAButton[@name=‘Close’]"))isDisplayed();

Using above line i am verifying.
Then I Click on another Button and again same Element named as Close using uiautomatorviewer, when i try to verify that element it is failing due to same name of button is also present in previous screen.

Do you have any solution how to ignore previous screen mapping of same name in current screen mapping?

using uiautomatoreviewer testCase.getMobileDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//UIAButton[@name=‘Close’]"))isDisplayed();

In your code you missed “dot” .isdisplayed()

If you have doubts on multiple elements present on that page .through appium inspector u can cross check how many matching node u are getting.

same name of multiple elements is not present on same page but same name of elements is present on previous screen and current screen.


Create unique XPATH starting from its parent node.
for e.g. driver.findElement(By.xpath(parent_node_xpath/child_node_xpath)) or using sibling element because appium getting multiple elements from different apple screen and hence its not able to click on the desired element.
Hope this will work !!!