WDA is not listening at ‘’

[DevCon Factory] Successfully requested the connection for 00008***-***********:8100

[debug] [WD Proxy] Matched ‘/status’ to command name ‘getStatus’

[debug] [WD Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body

[debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100

[WD Proxy] socket hang up

[debug] [XCUITestDriver@c1dc (4d65755d)] WDA is not listening at ‘

[debug] [XCUITestDriver@c1dc (4d65755d)] WDA is currently not running. There is nothing to cache

[debug] [XCUITestDriver@c1dc (4d65755d)] Trying to start WebDriverAgent 1 times with 10000ms interval

I managed to locate my iphone and connect to my phone but I am unable to install WDA on my Phone…
Can anyone help me please

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