We are automation Outlook Js Addin in IOS Outlook App. Not able to inspect elements inside Outlook Js Addin in IOS Outlook using appium

Trying to automate Outlook Js Addin in IOS/IPAD real devices. Using Appium to Open the Outlook JS Addin from Outlook. Inside Addin I’m not able inspect elements using Appium. Is there any other way to interact with elements inside Addin?

@Aleksei We are doing UI automation on Outlook Js Addin in IOS and IPAD. We are not able to inspect elements inside Outlook Js Addin in IOS Outlook using appium. Only “NATIVE_APP” context is available.
I have Enabled Web Inspector on your iOS device.
Connected device to Mac.
In Safari on Mac.Develop → Selected iPhone/iPad → Outlook’s WebView is not appearing. Is there any other way to find elements or to do UI automation on IOS Outlook Addin ?

Only app developer can configure your app webViews available to debug…

@aleksei We are doing automation on Outlook JS addin. I’m not able to inspect elements in Addin taskpane. So debugging should be enabled from Microsoft Outlook or Addin developer side??