We need.dmg for appium 1.3.0,thanks

We need.dmg for appium 1.3.0 ,without GUI work inconvenient.
Can I launch appium inspector from source?

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I’ve seen some people using the 1.2.4 dmg inspector while running appium server 1.3.0 from source.

You can also use the android inspector tool: http://developer.android.com/tools/debugging/debugging-ui.html

I can not find 1.2.4 dmg ,the latest dmg is 1.2.2 dmg. When to release 1.3.0 dmg?thanks

Use 1.2.* with 1.3 source, just have to point in the developer menu settings.

Would you please kindly show me more detail?

Use git clone to get a copy from the main repository with the URL:
git clone https://github.com/appium/appium.git
then with command line cd to the folder where you clone the repository and do ./reset --ios
when finish build you go in the appium.app and open the fourth menu from left to right.
It should say “Developer settings”, and enable it.
In the third item “Use external Appium package” you should put the path where you cloned the repository.
Click launch and you’re good to go!

If you need more help feel free to call me on skype if you like cidade.ramon

Sorry for my bad english I’m from Brazil.


I was able to get reset command to run using ./reset.sh --ios I followed the rest of your instructions and was able to get the simulator to load but it opens the app then simulator exits and this process repeats over and over. The only error I see in logs is:

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] Instruments Trace Error : Target failed to run: Failed looking up pid of launched process

When I was getting this error, was because .app was compiled to IOS 8.0 and could run with ios 7.*