Webdriver Agent

How to run the webdriver agent automatically during the runtime, in most of the forums it is mentioned to run in manually, but I want to run it in my framework based on the which device I have selected.

This question is entirely too vague. Can you read the following? It will give you a better idea on asking a question. It really seems like what you need is a good tutorial, but of course no one can guess what Platform you want to test, or what programming language, etc.


In most said visa versa. In all cases WDA installs automatically by Appium on phone. The only need is WDA should be configured first if you run on real device with you own machine. On device farms they do this job themselve or they provide ability to customize it also (when needed).

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Hi Aleksei,

Thank you for explaining, yeah as you said in cloud platform like perfecto and device farms the WDA agents runs automatically.
I am trying to run the WDA in real device and also in the local simulator, in desired capabilities I have mentioned to use WDA like below


but still it is not invokes automatically, I need to run it manually.
I am not sure what I am missing.

The code works fine when I invoke manually

did you complete with real device -> https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver/blob/master/docs/real-device-config.md ?

what way you choose manual or automatic? e.g. I use “Full manual configuration”

Hi ,

I am trying in Simulator now, how to invoke the WDA in simulator Automatically when my suite starts,