
Hi Everyone
I’m using Appium2.x-XCUITestDriver-Mac2Driver-Java language -Eclipse IDE
I need help In automating mac apps

I already build a Webdriveragent project on iPad and am able to Automate IPad apps

My question is

  1. do I need to build WebdriverAgentMac.xcodeProject as well for automating mac apps?
  2. Which software do I need to use for Inspecting Mac app Locators?
  3. Please share the capabilities that I have to use here.

You can try https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/os-x-accessibility-inspector-uielementinspector-tool-for-ui-scripting/3443/3
This inspector does not reflect XCTest-specific class or attribute names, but values and the general hierarchy should be the same.

WDA for macOS does not require digital signature to be configured like in iOS if you mean that.