WebDriverException:....bootstrap....exited with code 1

Hi Everyone,

So I just set up the entire environment on my Mac Mini, I am going to automate tests on iphones. I have one simulator from xcode on my machine and another virtual machine that has another xcode i phone simulator. Both have appium set up but when i run a test, i get a really weird error which is:

WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Command ‘/bin/bash Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d’ exited with code 1

I have been looking everywhere and could not find why. I also have a Mac Book pro that i set up the exact same way and everything works perfectly. I did the setup on the Mac Mini multiple times, and the Mac mini is slower so i had to increase the timeout for appium when running on the Mac Mini. Please help i really need a solution for this.