WebDriverException: Message: The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource

I am trying to run my first test case with below desired capabilities
Launch Appium with ADB
Open Application
… platformName=Android
… deviceName=emulator-5554
… appPackage=com.verisign.mvip.main
… appActivity=com.verisign.mvip.main.MainActivity
… automationName=UIautomator2

I am getting error : WebDriverException: Message: The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource

[HTTP] {“capabilities”:{“firstMatch”:[{}],“alwaysMatch”:{“platformName”:“Android”,“appium:deviceName”:“emulator-5554”,“appium:appPackage”:“com.verisign.mvip.main”,“appium:appActivity”:“com.verisign.mvip.main.MainActivity”,“appium:automationName”:“UIautomator2”}}}

[HTTP] No route found for /wd/hub/session

[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session 404 4 ms - 211