Webview/hybrid automation with multiple webviews

Has anyone tried or tested this? I’ve been attempting to get it to work for some time and I always get a chromedriver redirect failure attempting to switch contexts. I decided to try a simpler test with a small app that has a single webview. It properly switches context as expected and allows automation.

The core issue may be in the fact that the app has multiple webviews. driver.contexts reveals multiple contexts. I have tried switch to them both and they always fail.

chromedriver bug detailing some of this.

My suggestion is to try on the latest release of Android 5 (currently 5.0.1 or 5.0.2). In my experience, the newer android tends to behave better with regards to webviews.

Hi ,

I am also facing the same problem…

I am having 2 web view in my app.

First web view is working but 2 nd web view is not working…


I am using 5.0.1 on my nexus 5.

Can any one Please let me know

I am using appium and automating one web application on android tablet

when i click on one link to will open second tab
by using(Selenium) driver.switchTo.window() method is not working
so how can i pass driver control to second tab in appium(mobile webapplication testing)

thanks in advance