What is the Latest GUI version of appium and how to get it for windows

I’m using Appium GUI Version i want to upgrade this in GUI . Is any new version of GUI appium is launched if yes how can i get this.


@Anshita here - https://github.com/appium/appium-desktop/releases - took EXE file for Windows

Download link Appium GUI

Latest appium version is 1.7.1 with GUI

This one ???

This one ?? if im correct??

@Anshita yes. yes. yes. yes.

Thank you… @Aleksei

Im not able to run my native app using this appium version because im not geeting how to launch app using this can u please help me out in this that how can i give apk path and sdk . At present when i start server . it runs Appium settings on my device but app does not run.Im missing something major please help me