When is the Expected Time of Arrival for Appium 1.6 dmg version?

We understand that currently Appium 1.6 Terminal version is available. Can it be considered as stabilised Version to proceed with our iOS 10 Automation?
Also, Please confirm that are there any plan to release .dmg version of Appium 1.6 anytime soon? If Yes, when it will be released? Any major feature changes planned?

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we are already 1 month with 1.6 both iOS (Simulator) and Android (real devices)

Hello Axel,

When is the non terminal version of appium releasing for mac and windows? I am not seeing v1.6.0 on appium website

@Aleksei: Do you face any new issues in iOS 10 that was working fine in previous versions and did any workaround to resolve the same??

@Kirthi i have only minor issues. and say 1.6.0 is quite ok. 1.6.1-beta suggest to wait bit.