Wifi enable and disable is not working on iPhone (iOS 9.3 and 10) with appium 1.6.3

Hi All,

i was trying to enable/disable using touch action on iPhone , its not swiping from bottom to up for enable/diasble wifi with appium 1.6.3

MobileElement getElement = driver.findElementByClassName("XCUIElementTypeWindow");
		Dimension size = getElement.getSize();
    TouchAction swipe = new TouchAction(driver).press(getElement, size.width / 2, size.height).waitAction(2000)
				.moveTo(getElement, size.width / 2, size.height/2).release();

earlier version of appium its working fine, now its not working.
Please help to me solve this issue and thanks in advance!!!

Senthilkumar K

Please try the latest Appium 1.6.4 beta, as there were fixes for touch actions included.