Windows: appium configuration through cmd line

Hi All,

Please help me with setting up appium through non-GUI.(i.e: with cmd line).
Any help is appreciated.


Hi mani,

All you just need to install node.js from . After your successful installation of node, you’ll get npm(Node Packege manger). so with that hit those two commands one after other
: i) npm install -g appium ii) npm install wd.

Hope this helps…!!!

Thanks & Regards,

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Hi @bhaskar,

Thanks for replying.

Can i get any reference link or document,
while installing appium through npm install -g appium i am getting error “can’t unzip file”.


By the way,
Which OS you’re currently working on?
Have a look at this

Thanks & Regards,

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I’m working on windows 8 and my goal is to launch default browser in android.
i achieved it through appium.exe but now i am trying through cmd, which is new to me.