Hey, I’m using appium to automate 3rd party apps on iOS device.
Phone specs:
iOS version - 17.4
Model Name - iPhone 11
Xcode up to date
I have a Python code for automating 3rd party apps and everything works as expected.
Using appium-python-client = 2.11.1 quite old version (but I’ve started with this one and was too lazy to migrate over 4.x)
I have a free apple developer account so I’m signing webdriveragent-runner manually:
appium driver run xcuitest open-wda
and assigning bundle_id for the runner if needed.
I’m launching my script via cron 3 times a day.
And here I am facing an issue cronjobs might run couple or more days in a row, but it just fails with xcode error (reconnect usb or restart device). Restart/reconnect helps, but it doesn’t really work for my use case device should go to the server room with where I’ll have limited access.
How can I prevent these issues with launching webdriveragentRunner on ios Device to enable automation mode? I’m not sure if’s that I’m using:
Outdated appium-python-client
Free apple dev account
Signing manually (had issues with automatic signing because I use a free dev account)
Or any other reasons that I’ve missed