Xpath is not working for iOS for native app

xpath suggested by app itself is not working
xpath : //[@accessibilityLabel=‘iconUncheck’ and (./preceding-sibling:: ./following-sibling::)[@id=‘Prod Test’]]

Please help me in building the xpath.

@Aleksei :please helpme here.

@Pooja0907 as far as the only UNIQUE data in element you have is text -> use text!
find parent element:

// check you have "XCUIElement" with text "Bone Marrow" or update it correctly

        List<MobileElement> parent = driver.findElements(MobileBy.xpath("//XCUIElement[contains(@value,'Bone Marrow')]/.."));
        System.out.println("parent size - " + parent.size());
        // fine -> now we can continue to make xpath more complex
        List<MobileElement> elements = driver.findElements(MobileBy.xpath("//XCUIElement[contains(@value,'Bone Marrow')]/../XCUIElementTypeImage[@value='IconUncheck']"));
        System.out.println("elements size - " + elements.size());