I cannot find Appium inspector in version 1.6.4 for mac osx 10.12+.
As far as I can see, inspector is available in 1.5.3 version available in Bitbucket.
If it is there in latest version, then can anybody please help me in finding the same?
I cannot find Appium inspector in version 1.6.4 for mac osx 10.12+.
As far as I can see, inspector is available in 1.5.3 version available in Bitbucket.
If it is there in latest version, then can anybody please help me in finding the same?
It’s now called Appium Desktop:
I have downloaded the latest version from the Release tab and I cannot see the inspector in it.
Can u help me find it as I need it for iPhone Automation.
This is a real RTFM moment isn’t it?
@wasiqb Steps to Launch Inspector with appium desktop 1.6.4
Start the server and you will see a window with server is running (Black screen: Appium REST http interface listener started ).
Click on Start New Session Button.
3.It will Launch a window where we can insert the desired Capabilities.(I Like the addon feature to save capabilities for each device.)
Click on Start Session Button.
Now you can see the logs on window(Black screen) and the inspector will be launch in few minutes.