Do not want test app to be closed after Test

HI I am testing an Android app, through a .net application

Every thing works fine. only problem is that when i say AndroidDriver.Quit() it closes the android app.

I want the test app to stay ON when my test is done. Do i have to set some DesiredCapabilities ?

My Environment is as follows

Appium.WebDriver v.

Selenium Support v.3.8.0

Selenuim.WebDriver v3.9.0

SharpADBClient v2.2.16

just remove AndroidDriver.Quit()

Then How do i close the session Nicely. When my test is done, If I set driver to null without driver.quit(). It wont be dangling?

I have a suite with about 200 tests and I do not use driver.quit() after each test.
But I initialize a new driver instance before each test and don’t have any problems.

Thank You will try that…

Logged with appium.

I removed the string context.driver.quit() from the after_feature section. but now my next test doesn’t start. I declare сapabilitities in the before_feature section