Thanks for your suggestion.
There are a few things which are not very clear for me.
I don’t know exactly how to pair the image with de selected device. For ex budtmo/docker-android-x86-8.1 has chromedriver 2.33. If I used it to start a Samsung S6 emulator an error is thrown: No chromedriver wah found to automate Chrome 69.
Is there any way to set a new chromedriver on the fly ?
It works if I download the new chromedriver in the container and I start the appium server with --chromedrive=/path
Thank you in advance!
There are two possible solutions for this problem.
Current Appium version allows to have a static chromedrivers mapping, so you can simply provide a folder where different chromedriver versions are stored and the driver will try to autodetect the one, that matches to the target browser version based on the provided mapping json.
The seconds option has been introduced recently in appium@beta and allows to automatically download the necessary chromedriver from google storage if it is not present in the mapping. Read https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/writing-running-appium/web/chromedriver.md for more details