I’ve noticed a lot of bug reports which is great however the devs only fix issues that are reported to the official issue tracker. The issue tracker is on github. Once you file an issue then our triager bot automatically assigns a developer to review the issue and fix the problem.
File Appium server bugs here:
Also the client bindings each have their own issue tracker:
Thanks for helping to improve appium by reporting issues!
can you please edit subject line like "File Appium Bugs … "
I feel “bugs” attract more eyeballs than “issue” 
Good idea, I’ve updated the title
Good morning , thanks for looking into this 
best regards,
some more useful info from https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
Submit bug reports or feature requests
Just use the GitHub issue tracker to submit your bug reports and feature requests.
If you are submitting a bug report, please remember to include:
Your complete Appium log (as a gist—do NOT paste the whole thing into the issue description).
This will tell us the exact version of Appium and the exact capabilities you are using, so you don’t have to.Your relevant client code, if you are able to share it (again a gist is most useful).
Any other information helpful in trying to reproduce your issue.
In general, the less work we have to do to reproduce a bug, the faster we will fix it. So please include as much information as possible up front!
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Nice information, I’ve updated also
Need to update the broken link to the C# client. Repository was renamed