Unable to tap(7times) on a page to open advance settings option of an app

Hi Support Team,

Here is my situation: The Application Under Test(AUT) has a settings page. On clicking/tapping 7 times on that page takes you to a page with advance options.

The issue: I am unable to find an element (of say a blank space on the page) to tap 7 times. I tried to click on the entire menu list pane (shown in the image attached) by clicking taking the class and resource ID with appropriate index. IT seems to fail. I would definitely appreciate any kind of help on this. Please Help me!

[How to Launch Developer option (of a specific android app) using Appium]
(How to Launch Developer option (of a specific android app) using Appium)

if you tap below “Sign Out” button will you succeed? if yes you can:

  1. find location and size of this element
  2. location_y = signOut button locationY, height = height of signOut button, 10 - for sure
new TouchAction((MobileDriver) driver).press(x, location_y + height + 10).waitAction(50).release().perform();

repeat last 7 times