View inside UIMapView

I have application in which view inside UIMapView. Appium inspector is unable to find view and buttons inside that view

Hi Abhijit,

can you please try steps mentioned by Jonahss in thread

and update here please.

Also please add tag like Inspector , iOS , Android etc

Thanks & Regards,


I have a similar issue as Abhijit. We are putting a View (that contains a UIALabel and a UIAImage) inside a UIATextField.rightView
This view is not inspectable with Appium Inspector. Looking at the PageSource (using appium .net driver) the textfield’s rightView is also not present there.

In a previous version of our app we simply put a UIAButton in the UIATextfield.rightView, we were able to find and interact with that.

I have tried using apps built with xcode 5.1.1 using Appium 1.2.2 and xcode 6 using Appium 1.3 beta. But see same issue with both.

If anyone knows how to get these elements exposed so we can interact with them using Appium please let me know.


Same here, maybe this is because that UIMapView does not seem to be supported by Apple UI Automation?