When is appium 1.3 scheduled for release?

Also, is this information kept and provided anywhere so we have some idea of what is planned to go into releases? It seems there should be some communication mechanism about releases.

I’m specifically interested in the iOS 8 support.

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We should definitely come out with a better way to inform the community about our release schedule. The real answer is: we don’t have 100% accurate answers.

When we have a planned or definite date for any release, we will post about it in this discourse forum, under the NEWS category.

Far as I know right now, here are our plans:

Appium 1.2.3 which will consist of all current fixes, should be released in about two days, assuming all tests pass.

Appium 1.3 with iOS 8 support: we should have a beta release in about a week.

@jonahss - can you include this in your fix ? I really think it’s a bug as it works fine with other apk with different naming conventions. Let me know otherwise.

Appium v1.2.3 released Appium server v1.2.3 released

Hello jonahss, any update on the 1.3 release date?

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Any update on the release?

I would like an update on the release schedule. :wink:

@Naveen_K @Pranjal_Deo @ericraio

Beta release is out! Full release will probably follow in a week.

Cant wait for full release :slight_smile: . I have started working with beta version . I have problems launching it on device . I was able to launch on simulator . Yet to execute my scripts . Thanks

Sounds good. Not sure what Real Device support looks like yet :smile:

Please let me know when full version will be released ? Any dates yet ?

Running the test suites right now. Aiming for October 22 :smile:

Thanks . Can’t wait . :smile:

v1.3.0 released!